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Making and Responding to Suggestions in a Meeting

       This morning, PT Cantik Merona Tbk is going to have a meeting with head of each divisions. The meeting will discuss about how to place orders, deliver the ordered products, and predicting the future of the company.

Salma Nur : Good morning, thank you all for coming today. If we are all here, let’s get started the meeting. First of all, we will discuss how customers should do when they need to place orders which will be delivered by Fitria Syavira as the head of sales & order department.

Fitria Syavira : Yes, thank you Ms. Salma. Okay, I will explain about how customers should do when they need to place orders. At first, the customers must visit our website at Ordering through the website will be easier, after that the customers must do :
1. Looking for products.
2. Choose and view product information.
3. Add items to the cart.
4. Complete the order process.
5. Fill in shipping information.
6. Choose payment method.
7. Review the order.
8. Finish.
Regarding the process of shipping the orders will be delivered by Meylani Gisela as the head of distribution. Thank you.

Meylani Gisela  : Okay, thank you Ms. Syavira. I will explain about how to deliver the ordered products. Shipping orders to customers’ address will be made after the customers’ payment is valid. If the customers orders, delivery of orders will be carried out every day except Saturday, Sunday, and national holidays. For delivery service, we are team up with JNE and Sicepat. For the shipping costs adjusted to the location of the customers and according to the shipping service that customers want to use. The customers can check the shipping status of the orders thorugh the link that customers will receive in e-mail.

Salma Nur : Thank you Ms. Syavira and Ms. Gisela for the explain. As we know about the trend fashion this time, we will discuss the future of our business to compet. Do anyone in this room have the suggestions?

Ayu Amelia : I have a suggestion miss. In my opinion, what if we make hijabs with more varied motives and good materials and also liked by women. Hmm, and what if we make mukenah and muslim clothes? With an affordable price, of course.

Rakha Khansa : I agree with you, it’s a good idea. We can develop our business by producing variative products.

Salma Nur : Thank you Ms. Ayu and Ms. Khansa for your suggestion. Do anyone have another suggestion? If there is nothing else we need to discuss, all the suggestions will be collected to be our consideration. Thank you for today. Good afternoon and see you on the next meeting


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