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Describing Business Trends in 2019

Personal Shopper
Internet and smartphone technology provides many conveniences for humans, including in terms of shopping and doing business. There are so many new businesses popping up in the digital era today, one of the unique and profitable new businesses is the personal shopper, or what is commonly referred as the shopper personal. Personal shopper is a profession where someone helps others to shop according to what they want, by using their services as a buyer. Their focus is usually on purchasing clothing such as shirts, clothes, pants, dresses or equipment such as bags, shoes, and other accessories.
The working of this business are very easy, we as an owner only needs to visit several shopping centers, then chooses the items they want to offer, photographs the item, then uploads it to social media by offering a price quote that matches the item. Then, the owner is just waiting for the followers to order the item. Then the buyer sends money to the owner to buy the choosen item and the process of shipping the goods will be carried out.
The uniqueness of this business is what is needed by the owner only a cellphone and social media to offer his services. In addition, in this business we do not have inventory because we will only buy goods ordered by the customer when the money has been transferred so that it can also minimize losses that may occur.
The benefits of the service business are entrusted to the owner:
1.      Without money, it can still go on
For the sake of mutual comfort, namely by receiving new transfer money to buy the choosen item. That way, you don’t need to prepare a lot of money.
2.      Certainty of consumers and markets
The profession of entrusted services is indeed able to cover the need to buy certain items that are difficult to reach by consumers for various reasons. For example, because of problems with business, location too far, or uncomfortable shopping in crowded places. So that this service is always needed. Moreover, there is no limit to what items you have to provide for them. All there are malls or shopping centers and you can just take photos for promotion.
3.      The more customers, the more profit
You can get a turnover of tens of millions of this business if you already have a regular customer. Not to mention, if you often look at branded and luxury items. To get loyal customers, you must promise professional services. Like being fast buying and knowing the quality of goods that are purchased well. Afterwards, keep in touch and communicate well when offering services.
4.      Not only money, you can get goods
This profession will also provide other benefits than money. For example, you can get additional credit card point or shopping points for buying lots of items. Sometimes there is a promo, “ Buy 1 Get 1 Free” in a mall or shopping center. You certainly can get a profit in the form of bonus items. Not bad , later it can be sold again.

The benefits of the service business are entrusted to the customer:
Customers don’t need to come directly to the shop.

Members :
1. Ayu Amelia
2. Christina Meylani Gisela
3. Fitria Syavira Harani
4. Rakha Khansa Sakila P.M
5. Salma Nur Azizah


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