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Giving a Formal Presentation

         This morning, our company will present about our idea for new products that will be launched together with our competitors.

Fitria Syavira : Good morning everyone, thank you for coming. Today we will present about our idea and innovations for new product. I will tell the report of the meeting with our team. The name of the product is MyPro D-1310, it’s a LED Mini Projector. This Projector is made with a small size, which is 25x8x10 cm. The projector is used to display images, videos, and others. The projector is made to support 3D, so that users can enjoy the new sensation of watching 3D movies with the closest people whenever and wherever. Then, it will be continued by Salma Nur.

Salma Nur : Thank you for the time. I will continue the presentation. With a resolution of 1366x1024 pixels, it looks enough to support a good display. There are two buttons, power button and a button to adjust the 3D display. If you want to connect your PC/laptop to the projector, you don’t need to use a cable, it only requires Bluetooth to connect it. This projector is available in 3 colors, black, white, and pink. So, it will continued by Meylani Gisela about the advantages of the product.

Meylani Gisela : Thank you, the advantages of this product are small in size, supports 3D, easy to carry, and speaker support. In the box of the product includes MyPro D-1310 LED Mini Projector, remote control, cable to connect to the socket, instruction manual book, and warranty card. The ability of this projector to support 3D is not equipped with 3D glasses.

Fitria Syavira : So that’s all we can explain about MyPro D-1310, any questions?

Ayu Amelia : Me.
  Thank you for the time. I want to ask about the price, how much does it cost?

Fitria Syavira : Okay, thank you for the question. After we calculated the overall cost of making this product, me and my team agreed to sell this product at a price of Rp. 800,000. Are there any questions?

Rakha Khansa : Me.
  Thank you for the time. I want to ask, where can we buy 3D glasses?

Salma Nur : Okay, thank you. 3D glasses are sold separately with other accessories such as pointer screens, projector bags and tripod. You can buy it at the nearest electronics store.

Rakha Khansa : Okay, thank you.

Fitria Syavira : Is anyone have more questions? If there is nothing else, we will end our presentation. Thank you for your attention, good morning.


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