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3th Assignment

Member 1 by Fitria Syavira Harani
Coordinate Conjuctions / Subordinating Connections
1.      Because, Because of ( Cause )
·        This month’s sales of clothing decrease because scarce of raw materials.
2.      Although, though ( Contrast )
·        The speaker seemed nice though he spoke very little English.
3.      So…that ( Effect / Result )
·        You must finish the task tomorrow so Mr. Riri can report that to Mrs. Risa.
4.      So that ( Purpose )
·        I’ll finish the financial report today so that I can go home earlier.
Parallel Construction
5.      Not only… but also…
·        Yuni attended seminar not only at University of Indonesia but also at University of Trisakti.
·        Not only Rara but also Arianti achieves the employee of the year.
6.      Either….or….
·        Our manager offers us either going to South Korea or Japan for family gathering in our company.
7.      Neither…nor…
·        Lilay didn’t pass the final examination, but she neither sad nor disappointed.
8.      Both…and…
·        Become a speaker for the first time in front of many participants at Hotel Mulia, making her both nervous and excited at the same time.
·        Syavira has two job both in the PT. Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk as manager and in the University of Indonesia as lecturer.
Member 2 by Ayu Amelia
1.      The tasks will have been completed before the deadline.
2.      The car was not repaired by Doni yesterday.
3.      Was the journal read by Gina yesterday ?
4.      Some novels are written by her every year.
5.      Are two hundred people employed by this big company?
6.      All managers in this company are not being trained by her.
7.      Science project is not being finished.
8.      This lecture is being studied by them.
9.      A new job has been started by my sister this week.
10.  Has their paper already been submit ?
Member 3 by Salma Nur Azizah
1.       (+) Lily finally got her part-time job done last night.
 (-) Lily finally didn’t get her part-time job done last night.
(?) Did Lily finally get her part-time job done last night?

2.      (+) Mr. Sandy has Cecilia do her job as an auditor carefully.
(-) Mr. Sandy hasn’t Cecilia do her job as an auditor carefully.
(?) Does Mr. Sandy has Cecilia do her job as an auditor carefully?

3.      (+) The CEO of Always Law Firm lets Rachel to work there for 3 months.
(-) The CEO of Always Law Firm doesn’t let Rachel to work there for 3 months.
(?) Does the CEO of Always Law Firm let Rachel to work there for 3 months?

4.      (+) Dave gets Andy to bring his document for meeting this afternoon.
(-) Dave doesn’t get Andy to bring his document for meeting this afternoon.
(?) Does Dave get Andy to bring his document for meeting this afternoon?

5.      (+) Priscillia got me to check her CV before applying to the company.
(-) Priscillia didn’t get me to check her CV before applying to the company.
(?) Did Priscillia get me to check her CV before applying to the company?

6.      (+) Farid has Reno to make an appointment with Mr. Cho on Sunday Morning to discuss about their upcoming project.
(-) Farid hasn’t Reno to make an appointment with Mr. Cho on Sunday Morning to discuss about their upcoming project.
(?) Does Farid has Reno to make an appointment with Mr. Cho on Sunday Morning to discuss about their upcoming project?

7.      (+) I have Windy to come early to the meeting.
(-) I haven’t Windy to come early to the meeting.
(?) Do I have Windy to come early to the meeting?

8.      (+) Mrs. Sendy lets Hilman to not come to her farewell party tonight.
(-) Mrs. Sendy doesn’t let Hilman to not come to her farewell party tonight.
(?) Does Mrs. Sendy let Hilman to not come to her farewell party tonight?

9.      (+) PT Mitsubishi Motors will have the contract signed.
(-) PT Mitsubishi Motors will not have the contract signed.
(?) Will PT Mitsubishi Motors have the contract signed?

10.  (+) Mrs. Winona has me to call Mrs. Kim’s secretary.
(-) Mrs. Winona hasn’t me to call Mrs. Kim’s secretary.
(?) Does Mrs. Winona has me to call Mrs. Kim’s secretary?

Member 4 by Christina Meylani Gisela
Relative Clauses using Who, Whom, Whose, Which and That
1.      Who
-      My brother met a woman who I used to work with.
-      The boy who is talking there is the manager in this company.

2.      Whom
-      Mr. Smith whom I sent the letter is my boss.
-      He whom we talked to just now is a successful entrepreneur.

3.      Whose
-      The farmer whose name was Fred sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.
-      The woman whose car I want to buy is my old friend.

4.      Which
-      My Father was working in the company which has so many employees.
-      This is really a good deal of stuff which I believe is the cheapest in town.

5.      That
-      The jacket that I bought from the local market yesterday turns out to be a rare item.
-      The furniture that you buy will be sent to your home.
Member 5 by Rakha Khansa Sakila Putri Malik
1.      Question     = Do you have a branch office in Surabaya?
Answer       = Yes, I do.

2.      Question = Don’t you have a secretary?
Answer       = Yes, I do.

3.      Question = Where is the perfect place for the employee outing?
Answer       = Maybe, Safari Park sounds good.

4.      Question = Who is responsible for the promotion division?
Answer       = Mr. Lee, he is the head of promotion division.

5.      Question = How about your fashion business in Singapore?
Answer       = Everything’s fine. I want to expand business to other Asian countries.

6.      Question = How can you be interested in business transportation?
Answer       = Because everyone needs transportation and this business gives a big profit.

7.      Question = I can’t attend the product exhibition tomorrow, can you?
Answer       = I am not busy tomorrow, so I can.

8.      Question = Why this year’s profit decreased?
Answer       = Because of the decline in sales this year.

9.      Question = What should we do to increase revenue?
Answer       = We have to do innovation, increase promotion, set the price of competition,

10.  Question = Haven’t they received a salary yet?
Answer       = No, they haven’t.

Member 6 by Susanto
Dangling Construction
1.        Hoping to garner favor, my new friend brought my supervisors a gift that sadly unimpressed them.
2.        Having typed the monthly report, he plugged in and switched on the printer.
3.        Wrapped in wax paper, Mr. Right can't see whether lunch is fried chicken or meatball
4.        To avoid loss, workers expect the company to reduce debt.
5.        To reduce expenses, companies can try a number of cheaper raw materials.
6.        After have a meeting, the manager gave us a job.
7.        Hoping for the reason for my lateness, I wrote a note and gave it to my manager.
8.        The owner of the painting that has been kept in the company's storage room for the past twenty years, has decided to sell it.
9.        After a two week business trip to singapore, my manager was happy to see me.
10.    After make sales, the next project is delivery of goods.


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