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2nd Assignment

Member 1 ( by Salma Nur Azizah )

1.      Verb + gerund
• Jose avoids using Nitrous Oxide System (NOS) for his super car.
• I love working on something I passionate with.
2.      Verb + to infinitive
• Diana helps me to fix my MacBook at her house.
• I decide to buy pizza and coke for my farewell dinner.
3.      Verb + preposition + gerund phrase
• Jehan thinks about making a coffee shop with her friends.
• Simmon looks forward to having a family gathering to Bali for all his workers.
4.      Adjective + infinitive
• I hope to get a bonus this year.
• Danila is clever to detect the fraud in financial reporting.

Member 2 ( by Susanto )

Affirmative and negative agreement
·        Affirmative
§  Their plane is arriving at 7 o’clock and so is mine
§  I am sick and he is too
§  Our class is clean and so are theirs
§  Bella is beautiful and her sister is too
§  My hand writing is bad and so are you
·        Negative Agreement
§  The manager isn’t too happy with the project adn neither is his assistant
§  We can’t study in library and he can’t either
§  You didn’t pay the taxes and they didn’t either
§  My brother won’t accept my father’s decision and my sister won’t either
§  He doesn’t know the answer and neither does she
A.     Commads
·        Possitive (+)
§  Close the door please
§  Turn on the lamp please
§  Follow my way
§  Open the door please
§  Close the book now
·        Negative (-)
§  Don’t cross that way
§  Don’t make a mess
§  Never do that anymore
§  Don’t speak silly things

Member 3 ( by Rakha Khansa Sakila PM )

1.      Present Ability
§  We can develop business by innovating.
§  Mr. John is able to visit to the branch office next week.
2.      Past Ability
§  The secretary could speak japanese since two years ago.
§  Mr. Brian was able to make a financial report, because he had studied in accounting.
3.      Present Possibility
§  Mrs. Felly may be sign the contract after the meeting.
§  This project may success.
4.      Past Possibility
§  This company might recruiting new employees.
§  This event might be a routine activity of the company.
5.      Asking Permission
§  Can I make an appoinment with the manager?
§  May I see the sales report this month?
6.      Giving Permission
§  You can make an appoinment with the manager.
§  You can see the sales report this month.

Member 4 ( by Fitria Syavira Harani )

·        Request
§  A : Would you like to join us for lunch? It’s going to be a farewell party for Mr. Rudy.
                     B : I’d really love to, but I have got to be at our stand in JCC.
§  A : Can we meet at the Paragon restaurant at 5 p.m to discuss about our new project?
                     B : Sure, it suits me fine.
·        Obligation/Advisability
§  Jess, you ought to finish the proposal about our new product because tomorrow we will meeting with Zahara Compay..
§  Rania,  you should take a master’s degree so you can get a promotion.
·        Necassity
§  You have to have a high score of TOEFL if you want to work at Ernest & Young Company.
§  We must work harder to finish our movie because the deadline is coming. 
·        Prohibiton
§  The participants mustn’t speak too loudly when the speaker presents the material.
§  You mustn’t enter the medicine’s room without wear a lab clothes and a mask.
·        Not Necessity
§  Lula not have to do arrange the decoration for family gathering next week because it will done by 98woods Corp.
§  Hallo Mr.Jo, you not have to do attend the meeting today, due to the bad weather.
·        Conclusion
§  She doesn't attend the conference at Macau. She must be miss the flight.
§  Yanni ask permission to go home first today. She must be sick.

Member 5 ( by Christina Meylani Gisela )

The use of adjective
            Adjectives are used to identify or quantify individual people and unique things, they are usually positioned before the noun or pronoun that they modify. Some sentences contain multiple adjectives.
Example :
Before a noun :
-      His job allows him to stay in expensive hotels.
-      MITSUBISHI has launch their new design.
After be : 
-      Mr. Satria is a thoughtful manager, so other employees respect him very much.
-      Our factory located in Bogor is near to the tea garden.
After linking verb :
-      The taste of the food from their restaurant is better than the other restaurants.
-      Their new design looks attractive.
As an Objective compliment :
-      The employees become more diligent now.
-      Their business is very famous.
After someone / something / anyone / anything :
-      I am looking for something unique for our new product.
-      Mr. David is looking for someone who is suitable as his secretary.

Member 6 ( by Ayu Amelia )

  1. Modifying a verb
·        Top manajer makes the organization's goals and mission right.
·        He works efficiently to build his new business.
  1. Modifying an adverb
·        This year's marking health of the company is quite bad compared to last year.
·        They will be slightly late to complete the company's year-end report.
  1. Modifying another adverb
·        Secretary is writing general ledger very seriously.
·        she can finish recording the purchase report very easily.
  1. Modifying a whole statement
·        Generally, an entrepreneur has good and unique ideas for making a product.
·        Commonly, if the price of goods increases, it will affect the company's profits.


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