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1st Assignment

Member 1 ( by Rakha Khansa Sakila Putri Malik )
1.      Simple Present Tense
(+)            The secretary prepares the meeting.
(-)             The secretary doesn’t prepare the meeting.
(?)             Does the secretary prepare the meeting?
(yes/no)    Does the secretary prepare the meeting? Yes, she does.
(when)      When the secretary prepare the meeting?
(how)        How the secretary prepare the meeting?
2.      Present Continous Tense
(+)            An accountant is making a financial report.
(-)             An accountant isn’t making a financial report.
(?)             Is an accountant making a financial report?
(yes/no)    Is an accountant making a financial report? Yes, he is.
(when)      When an accountant making a financial report?
(how)        How an accountant making a financial report?
3.      Present Perfect Tense
(+)            PT. Syailendra has done the employee recruitment.
(-)             PT. Syailendra hasn’t done the employee recruitment.
(?)             Has PT. Syailendra done the employee recruitment?
(yes/no)    Has PT. Syailendra done the employee recruitment? Yes, it has.
(when)      When PT. Syailendra done the employee recruitment?
(how)        How PT. Syailendra done the employee recruitment?
4.      Present Perfect Continous

(+)            PT. ABC has been supplying the goods from PT. XYZ.
(-)             PT. ABC hasn’t been supplying the goods from PT. XYZ.
(?)             Has PT. ABC been supplying the goods from PT. XYZ?
(yes/no)    Has PT. ABC been supplying the good from PT. XYZ? Yes, it has
(when)      When PT. ABC been supplying the good from PT. XYZ?
(how)        How PT. ABC been supplying the good from PT. XYZ?

Member 2 ( by Salma Nur Azizah )
1.      The Past Tense
            (+) Forbes awarded ServiceNow, Inc. as the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2018.
            (-) Forbes didn’t award ServiceNow, Inc. as the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2018.
            (?) Did Forbes award ServiceNow, Inc. as the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2018 ?
            (Yes/No) Did Forbes award ServiceNow, Inc. as the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2018 ?   Yes, it did.
            (When) When did Forbes award ServiceNow, Inc. as the World’s Most Innovative Companies ?
            (How) How did Forbes award ServiceNow, Inc. as the World’s Most Innovative Companies ?
2.      The Past Continuous
            (+) The managers were discussing a concept of new product at the meeting yesterday morning.
            (-) The managers weren’t discussing a concept of new product at the meeting yesterday morning.
            (?) Were the managers discussing a concept of new product at the meeting yesterday morning ?
            (Yes/No) Were the managers discussing a concept of new product at the meeting yesterday morning ? Yes, they were.
            (What) What were the managers discussing at the meeting yesterday morning ?
            (How) How were the managers discussing a concept of new product at the meeting yesterday morning ?
3.      The Past Perfect
            (+) Microsoft Corporation had established its business before 1990.
            (-)  Microsoft Corporation hadn’t established its business before 1990.
            (?) Had Microsoft Corporation established its business before 1990 ?
            (Yes/No) Had Microsoft Corporation established its business before 1990 ? Yes, it had.
            (When) When had Microsoft Corporation established its business ?
            (How) How had Microsoft Corporation established its business before 1990 ?

Member 3 ( by Ayu Amelia )
1.      The future simple
(+) She will be lead the division of distribution in her father’s company.
(-)  She won’t be lead the division of distribution in her father’s company.
(?) Will she be lead the division of distribution in her father’s company?
(yes/no) Will she be lead the division of distribution in her father’s company? Yes, she will.
(wh) What she will be lead the division in her father’s company?
(how) How she will be lead the division of distribution in her father’s company?
2.      The future continous
(+) The director will be attending a board of directors meeting tomorrow morning.
(-)  The director won’t be attending a board of directors meeting tomorrow morning.
(?)  Will the director be attending a board of directors meeting tomorrow morning?
(yes/no) Will the director be attending a board of directors meeting tomorrow morning? Yes, he will.
(wh) When the director will be attending a board of directors meeting?
(how) How the director will be attending a board of directors meeting?
3.      The future perfect
(+) He will have done close book at the end of this year.
(-)  He won’t have done close book at the end of this year
(?)  will he have done close book at the end of this year?
(yes/no) Will he have done close book at the end of this year?
(wh) Why he will have done close book at the end of this year?
(how) How he will have done close book at the end of this year?

Member 4 ( by Fitria Syavira Harani )
            Passive sentences in all the 10 tenses stated above
·         The Simple Present Tense
Rumus Passive Voice for The Simple Present Tense   :
(+)       O + am/is/are + V3 + by + S
(-)        O + am/is/are + not + V3 + by + S
(?)        am/is/are + O + V3 + by + S?
Example from Member 1 :
(+)       The meeting is prepared by secretary.
(-)        The meeting is not prepared by secretary.
(?)        Is the meeting prepared by secretary?
(y/n)     Is the meeting prepared by secretary? Yes, it is.
(wh)     When the meeting is prepared by secretary?
(h)        How the meeting is prepared by secretary?
·         The Present Continous Tense
Rumus Passive Voice for The Present Countinous Tense :
(+)       O + am/is/are + being + V3 + by +  S
(-)        O + am/is/are + not +  being + V3 + by + S
(?)        Am/is/are + O + being + V3 + by + S?
Example from Member 1 :
(+)       The financial report is being made by an accountant.
(-)        The financial report is not being made by an accountant.
(?)        Is the financial report being made by an accountant?
(y/n)     Is the financial report being made by an accountant? Yes, it is.
(wh)     When the financial report is being made by an accountant?
(h)        How the financial report is being made by an accountant?
·         The Present Perfect Tense
Rumus Passive Voice for The Present Perfect Tense :
(+)       O + have/has + been + V3 + by + S
(-)        O + have/has + not + been + verb 3 + by + S
(?)        Have/has + O + been + verb 3 + by + S?
Example from Member 1 :
(+)       The employee recruitment has been done by PT. Syailendra.
(-)        The employee recruitment has not been done by PT. Syailendra.
(?)        Has the employee recruitment been done by PT. Syailendra?
(y/n)     Has the employee recruitment been done by PT. Syailendra? Yes, it has.
(wh)     When the employee recruitment has been done by PT. Syailendra?
(h)        How the employee recruitment has been done by PT. Syailendra?
·         The Present Perfect Continous
Rumus Passive Voice for The Present Perfect Cotinous Tense :
(+)       O + have/has + been + being + V3 + by + S
(-)        O + have/has + not + been + being + V3 + by + S
(?)        Have/has + O + been + being + past participle (verb 3) + by + S?
Example from Member 1 :
(+)       The goods have been being supplied by PT. ABC from PT. XYZ.
(-)        The goods have not been being supplied by PT. ABC from PT. XYZ.
(?)        Have the goods been being supplied by PT. ABC from PT. XYZ?
(y/n)     Have the goods been being supplied by PT. ABC from PT. XYZ? Yes, it have.
(wh)     When the goods have been being supplied by PT. ABC from PT. XYZ?
(h)        How the goods have been being supplied by PT. ABC from PT. XYZ?
·         The Past Tense
Rumus Passive Voice for The Past Tense :
(+)       O + to be (was/were) + V3 + by + S
(-)        O + to be (was/were) + not + V3+ by+ S
(?)        to be (was/were) + O + V3 + by + S
Example from Member 2 :
(+)       ServiceNow, Inc. was awarded by Forbes as the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2018.
(-)        ServiceNow, Inc. wasn’t  awarded by Forbes as the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2018.
(?)        Was ServiceNow, Inc. awarded by Forbes as the the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2018?
(y/n)     Was ServiceNow, Inc. awarded by Forbes as the the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2018? Yes, it was.
(wh)     When was ServiceNow, Inc. awarded by Forbes as the World’s Most Innovative Companies?
(h)        How was ServiceNow, Inc. awarded by Forbes as the World’s Most Innovative Companies ?
·         The Past Continous Tense
Rumus Passive Voice for The Past Continous Tense :
(+)       O + was/were + being + V3 + by + S
(-)        O + was/were + not + being + V3 + by + S
(?)        was/were + O + being + V3 + by + S
Example from Member 2 :
(+)       A concept of new product was being discussed by the managers at the meeting yesterday morning.
(-)        A concept of new product wasn’t  being discussed by the managers at the meeting yesterday morning.
(?)        Was a concept of new product being discussed by the managers at the meeting yesterday morning ?
(y/n)     Was a concept of new product being discussed by the managers at the meeting yesterday morning ? Yes, it was.
(wh)     When was a concept of new product being discussed by the managers at the meeting ?
(h)        How was a concept of new product being discussed by the managers at the meeting yesterday morning ?
·         The Past Perfect Tense
Rumus Passive Voice for The Past Perfect Tense :
(+)       O + had + been + V3 + by + S
(-)        O + had + not + been + V3 + by + S
(?)        Had + O + been + V3 + by + S
Example from Member 2 :
(+)       The business had been established by Microsoft Corporation before 1990.
(-)        The business hadn’t been established by Microsoft Corporation before 1990.
(?)        Had the business been established by Microsoft Corporation before 1990 ?
(y/n)     Had the business been established by Microsoft Corporation before 1990 ? Yes, it had.
(wh)     When had the business been established by Microsoft Corporation ?
(h)        How had the business been established by Microsoft Corporation before 1990 ?
·         The Future Simple Tense
Rumus Passive Voice for The Future Simple Tense    :
(+)       O + Will/Shall + be + Past Participle/V3 + by + S
(-)        O + Will/Shall + Not + be + Past Participle/V3 + by + S
(?)        Will/Shall + O + be + Past Participle/V3 + by + S?
(+)       O + to be (am/is/are) + Going + To + be + Past Participle/V3 + by + S
(-)        O + to be (am/is/are) + Not + Going + To + be + Past Participle/V3+ by+ S
(?)        To be (am/is/are) + O + Going + To + be + Past Paticiple/V3+ by + S
Example from Member 3 :
(+)       The division of distribution in her father’s company will be led by her.
(-)        The division of distribution in her father’s company will not be led by her.
(?)        Will the division of distribution in her father’s company be led by her?
(y/n)     Will the division of distribution in her father’s company be led by her? Yes, she will.
(wh)     What the divison in her father’s company will be led by her?
(h)        How the division of distribution in her father’s company will be led by her?
·         The Future Continous Tense
Rumus Passive Voise for The Future Continous Tense  :
(+)       O + Will + be + Being + Past Participle/V3 + by + S + M
(-)        O + Will + Not + be + Being + Past Participle/V3 + by + S + M
(?)        Will + O + be + Being + Past Participle/V3 + by + S + M?
Example from Member 3 :
(+)       A board of directors meeting will be being attended by all director tomorrow morning.
(-)        A board of directors meeting will not be being attended by all director tomorrow morning.
(?)        Will a board of directors meeting will be being attended by all director tomorrow morning?
(y/n)     Will a board of directors meeting will be being attended by all director tomorrow morning?Yes, it will.
(wh)     When a board of directors meeting will be being attended by all directors?
(h)        How a board of directors meeting will be being attended by all directors?
·         The Future Perfect Tense
Rumus Passive Voice for The Future Perfect Tense   :
(+)       O + Will + Have + Been + Past Participle/V3 + by + S
(-)        O + Will + Not + Have + Been + Past Pariciple/V3 + by + S
(?)        Will + O + Have + Been + Past Participle/V3 + by + S?
Example from Member 3 :
(+)       The close book will have been done by him at the end of this year.
(-)        The close book will not have been done by him at the end of this year.
(?)        Will the close book have been done by him at the end of this year?
(y/n)     Will the close book have been done by him at the end of this year? Yes, it will.
(wh)     Why the close book will have been done by him at the end of this year?
(h)        How the close book will have been done by him at the end of this year?

Member 5 ( by Christina Meylani Gisela )
1.      The use of some and any
            The general rule is that any is used for questions and negatives while some is used for positive. Both may be used with countable and uncountable nouns. Some may also be used for questions, typically offers and requests, if we think the answer will be positive.
Example :
·         Some : They promote some of their new products.
·         Any : Do you have any idea to solve this loss problem?
2.      The use of much, many, a lot of, few and little
            Much may only be used with uncountable nouns while many is used with countable. Much and many also be used in questions if the speaker thinks that the answer will be positive. A lot of is used for positive. Little and few are quantifiers meaning ‘some’. Little and few have negative meanings. We used them to mean ‘not as much as may be expected or wished for’.
Example :
·         Much : How much does it cost to rent a bus?
·         Many : I see many people in the market to buy and sell the comodity.
·         A lot of : He said a lot of reasons why he came late to the meeting this morning.
·         Few : This company just has the few customers, so it will close.
·         Little : The office is very busy today. It seems we have little chance to meet Mr. Boss.
3.      The use of adjective
            Adjectives are used to identify or quantify individual people and unique things, they are usually positioned before the noun or pronoun that they modify. Some sentences contain multiple adjectives.
Example :
·         Before a noun : His job allows him to stay in expensive hotels.
·         After be :  Mr. Andrew is a good CEO, so other employees respect him very much.
·         After linking verb : The taste of the food from their restaurant is better than the other restaurants.
·         Objective compliment : The employees have to keep the company’s good name.
·         After someone / something : I am looking for something different for our new product.

Member 6 ( by Susanto )
Compound Sentence  using the following connectors
1. (2 Sentences) and (Addition)
     - Joko want open a new shoes store AND  he want to open a new book store
2. (2 Sentences) but (Contrast
     - Kowi fish farming business is progressing BUT  the chicken farm business suffered losses
3. (2 Sentences) or (Choice / Alternative)
     - Better to saving OR Better investment
4. (2 Sentences) so (Cause and Effect)
     - Because the building was destroyed SO  the meeting could not be done
5. (2 sentences) for (cause)
    - Bowo borrowed a lot of money FOR  build his new venture capital


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