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            Hello, good morning everyone. How are you today? Hopefully fineJ.Thank you for coming to Travel Fair 2018 in Kota Kasablanka. We’re going to present our travel agent, “Your Destiny Travel Agent”. We will bring you to travel around the world and also guide you. Are you curious about our travel? So without having to wait long, lets get it! (Ayu Amelia & Ayu Ningtiyas)
            Here we are from "Your Destiny Travel Agent" offering international vacation packages such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and many more. Sound interesting, isn't it? but don't worry, for this moment we have a special package and cash back for the first 20 buyers. What’s the package? Yes, the package is a vacation to South Korea with a starting price only IDR 8,450,000. Where you can vacation to South Korea with a very affordable price and excellent fasilities. (Christina Meylani Gisela & Pradivta Al fatihah)
            Now, we will explain about our itinerary tour packages SEOUL – NAMI ISLAND – MT. SORAK.
Gather at Soekarno Hatta airport for flights to Korea. Accommodation: Overnight on a plane.
Arriving at Incheon International Airport, you will be escorted to Bukchon Hanok Village which is a residential building complex consisting of ruman rows - traditional Korean houses which are relics from the Joseon Dynasty. After that, you will be taken to Soyanggang Skywalk where you can see the beauty of the Uiamho Lake from the glass floor with a length of 156M. And then Nami Island visits "Winter Sonata Shooting Place". Nami Island is an artificial island with a romantic atmosphere and has the beauty of 4 seasons which are very famous in Korea. Then the journey continues towards Mt. Cheers. (Lunch, Dinner). Accommodation: I-Park Resort or similar.
·         Day 3  : SORAK – YEOJU OUTLET – SEOUL
After breakfast, the journey continues to Mt. Sorak National Park, you will see Kwongeumsung Fortress Hill with a cable car (Depends on local weather conditions), Sinheungsa Temple, and also the Great Bronze Buddha. Then continue the journey back to Seoul by stopping at Yeoju Premium Outlet and then proceed by visiting or passing through N Seoul Tower (Love Lock) and Dongdaemun to shop freely. (Breakfast, Lunch). Accommodation: Lucebridge Hotel or similar
·         Day 4  : SEOUL CITY TOUR
Today you will be invited to tour the city of Seoul starting with visiting or passing through Gyeongbok Palace, the National Folklore Museum, and the Presidential Blue House, The Face Shop, Duty Free Shop, Ginseng Factory, and Red Pine Shop. You also have the opportunity to try making Kimchi and try using traditional Korean Hanbok. At night you will be escorted to Myeongdong for free shopping. (Breakfast, Lunch). Accommodation: Lucebridge Hotel or similar
After breakfast you will be escorted to visit the Natural Health Center. Followed by visiting Songwol-Dong Fairy Tale Village which has beautiful buildings with paintings that make you like in a fairyland. In the Cherry Blossom period you will be escorted to visit Yeouido Park * (*Depends on local weather conditions). Stop by at Grocery Market to buy souvenirs before heading to Airport for flights back home. (Breakfast, Lunch)
Today you are scheduled to arrive in Jakarta. (Fitria Syavira Harani & Salma Nur Azizah)
You can get more information of itinerary by visiting our booth.
Next, we will inform you about the cost of the trip.

Jan : 27
Feb : 12, 19, 20
IDR 8,450,000
(Cherry Blossom)
Mar : 28
IDR 9,850,000
(Long Weekend)
May : 20
IDR 10,000,000
July : 18
IDR 9,700,000
September : 2
IDR 8,590,000
November : 15
IDR 10,500,000
(Winter/Christmas/New Year Holiday)
Desember : 17
IDR 12,500,000
The cost include Airport Tax International/+ Fuel Surcharge

Additonal Cost:
·         Single Supplement : IDR 2,000,000
·         Visa Korea
·         Required Tipping
§  Tour Leader    : IDR 35,000/person/day for Tour Leader.
§  Local Guide & Driver : IDR 90,000/person/day for local guide and driver. ( Rakha Khansa Sakila PM )
            That's all the information we can give. Sound interesting right? And very affordable too. So what are you waiting for? Choose the date and season you’ll depart because the promo won’t last forever. If you are interested please order from now by visiting our booth, you can also get more information about the packages. And also for the first 20 buyers can get a special cash back. Are you curious about how much you can get the cash back? Just visit our stand booth! So, that's all we can say. We are waiting you all at our booth. Enjoy your holiday with us. Thank you for your attention, see you. ( Fitria Syavira Harani & Salma Nur Azizah )

Members         :
Ayu Amalia
Ayu Ningtiyas
Christina Meylani Gisela
Fitria Syavira Harani
Pradivta Al fatihah
Rakha Khansa Sakila P M
Salma Nur Azizah


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