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Structure Organization

Structure Organization PT. PERTAMINA

1.      President Director
o Coordinate and control activities in the field of financial administration, staffing, and secretarial affairs.
o   Lead the entire board of executive committee.
o   Acting as a representative of the organization in reation to external parties.
2.      Vice Director
o   Arrange and evaluate company goals and plans.
o   Manage company wealth.
o   Supervise the activities and perfomance of top level employees.
3.      Head Of Internal Supervision Unit
o   Make a policy strategies and plan monitoring activities.
o  Reporting all the results of its supervisory activities directly to the managing director and providing copies to the commissioner through the audit committee.
o   Provide advice to all management levels for audit results.
4.      Corporate Secretary
o  Attending board of directors meetings and joint meetings between commissioners and directors.
o   Collecting all important information about the company from every unit.
o   Reporting the responsibilities to the president director continously.
5.      Head of Corporate Law
o   Coordinate the management of regulatory documents.
o   Adjust the rules with decision making.
6.      Director of Refinery
o   Maintain a good relations with partnerships.
o   Make a report on the results of the implementation of the task to the boss.
7.      General Director
o Controlling income money, the result of billing the water usage account from the consumen.
o    Coordinate and control the activities of organizers and equipment.
o  Coordinate and control activities in the field of finansial administration, staffing, and secretarial affairs.
8.      Director of Marketing And Commercial
o   Planning the programs for short and long term in order to support the marketing purpose.
o   Controlling and supervising marketing costs.
9.      Director of LNG
o   Head of the LNG Business Sector supervises: LNG Market Development Manager, LNG Sales Manager, LNG Transportation Manager, LNG Plant Operations Manager.
10.  Director of  Human Resources
o   Estabilish and mantain an appropriate system to measure important aspects of human resource development.
o    Arrange and develop directly staff.
o   Manage and control the HR expenditure department in accordance with the approved budget.
11.   Director of Financial
o   Choose a plan for short term income and expenses based on the approved budget at the president director meeting.
o    Supervise all problems that are related to the finansial provisipn and all company funds.

Members :
1. Ayu Ningtiyas
2. Ayu Amelia
3. Christina Meylani Gisela
4. Fitria Syavira Harani
5. Pradivta Al-fatihah
6. Rakha Khansa Sakila P.M
7. Salma Nur Azizah


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